Garlic is one of the oldest crops in the world. It has its origin in Central Asia. It is a vital spice in various dishes all over the world. India is one of the largest producers of garlic in the world. It has several names in different places. In Madhya Pradesh, INDIA is the leading garlic producer.
Uses and Benefits:
Garlic is mainly used for seasoning in many cuisines across the globe. It is mixed with bread to make different varieties of dishes such as crostini, garlic bread and others. It has a wide historical medicinal use. It is often known to prevent heart disorders. It also helps in regulating blood sugar level to a great extent. In many religions garlic is considered to stimulate humans in many aspects. Garlic Juice is mainly known for many physical cures as well as Garlic Oil. Garlic powder are not famous in India but are also used in cooking on restaurants.
Garlic powder refers to the powdered dried garlic. When dehydrated garlic is powdered it is known as garlic powder. Garlic powder taken in small quantities can be a good source for “Allicin”. There are a few garlic powder manufacturers in India.
Uses and Benefits:
Garlic powder is mainly used in food preparation. It is used as a remedy for vaginal infection in females. It is also used as a cure for bronchitis. It has various other medicinal uses.
Garlic flakes are rich in group B vitamins and sulphur. There are many other benefits of garlic flakes such as it is more popular for its Antibacterial and Antiviral properties. It can be served to pets for maintaining general health and strong immune system. It is also used to prepare several types of unique dishes in continental cuisines.
Garlic clove is the single piece of garlic. It is one of the small bulblets that can be split off of the axis of a larger garlic bulb.
Onion is the bulb of the onion plant. It is cultivated all around the world. It is cooked and eaten and is considered to be a vegetable. It has a strong flavour and is used in most of the non-vegetarian dishes. It has its roots in central Asia and is spread by barbarian tribes.
Uses and Benefits:
Onions have been an ace ally in the fight against diseases. Onions have been used in different cultures in various aspects. It was considered as a symbol of eternal life by ancient Egyptians. It was often prescribed for infertility in women in late 19th century. Onion juice is often sprinkled to crops to make them pest resistant. Onions have antioxidant property which helps to fight spreading of cancer. It can be lethal to animals if they consume onions. Onion plants are also known to keep moles away from a cultivated field and thus it is grown with the crops together.
Mustard is referred to the seeds of the mustard plant and the flower of it is yellow in colour. The mustard seeds are mainly used for cooking. It is produced by India, Canada and other countries.
Uses and Benefits:
Mustard oil or sarso oil is often used for body massage for small children during winters. It is a rich source of protein and oil. It can be mixed with lemon juice and honey to make gargle solution and reliefs sore throat. Mustard also prevents phlegm to accumulate in our body and also used to stop chest congestion. It is also used as a natural hair conditioner.
Methi is a semi-arid crop grown all over the world. Methi is originally called as Fenugreek. Methi is the Indian name of Fenugreek. It is the most common ingredient in Indian sub continental cuisine.
Uses and Benefits:
Methi is one of the must haves for lactating women because it has the property to increase the milk production in nursing mothers. It also increases the female hormones which can impart desired physical female characteristics. It also makes harmful toxins to flush out from our body and aids digestion. It can also be helpful for diabetic patients.
Wheat was originally grown at Ethiopian highlands but now it is grown worldwide. It is the staple food in most of the countries. It is the main source of carbohydrates for more than 50% of the people in the world.
Uses and Benefits:
wheat has many varieties of uses. It is used to make bread and other staple food like pasta, spaghetti and more, it is also used to make alcoholic beverages, beer etc. It also has the capability to produce bio fuels by decomposition. Wheat has many varieties and they are cultivated in different parts of the world.